The Bel Canto chorus welcomed me as the new musical director with open arms and made me part of their family immediately. They adjusted to me, my strange way of conducting and my dislike of snakes in songs. (Ssssssss)
And I became part of the family…
So what is it like being a part of a choral family? Well, offers of help everywhere, positive feedback, calls of encouragement, wonderful fun filled rehearsals, and full packed concerts. All members looking out for each other, helping each other and working as a team.
Glorious musical experiences, fantastic harmonies, challenging repertoire and some old favourites as well. Special guest artists and Excitement galore.
What did we accomplish in 2023-2024? four big concerts … the Sudbury Music Festival Fundraiser Concert in October, our own Christmas concert series in December, our debut in Place des Arts singing the Mozart Requiem with the Sudbury symphony orchestra in March and our spring concert series in May. We also managed to do some community outreach in December.
Looking forward to next year, two glorious concert series coming up in December and May. Also planning the choirs’ 50th Anniversary year in 2025-2026.